
We Can Help You Prepare Your Criminal Defense Strategy

We Can Help You Prepare Your Criminal Defense Strategy


The state of Iowa has codified in its laws numerous acts that have been deemed criminal in nature. Committing a criminal act or otherwise breaking a law that is included in the state's code can result in an individual facing a number of significant penalties. Those penalties, which can include but are not limited to heavy fines and periods of incarceration, can impose significant setbacks in the lives of individuals forced to endure them.

Every individual who is charged with a crime under Iowa law, though, has rights. Individuals facing criminal charges may prepare their own defenses to present when tried for their alleged crimes. They may also utilize the services of criminal defense attorneys during the preparation and trial phases of their criminal matters.

J. Dean Keegan, Eric D. Tindal & Andrea Jaeger Attorneys At Law, represent individuals who are facing criminal charges in Iowa. Their practice includes the representation of people who are facing theft charges, assault allegations, and many other crimes that are punishable by state law. Their law practice is prepared to meet with new clients and to help them better understand their rights with regard to potential defenses and strategies to utilize during their criminal trials.

Many defenses are available to individuals battling criminal charges. Self-defense or the defense of others are permissible defenses that criminal defendants may use when crafting their trial strategies. Attorney Keegan can offer their clients a wealth of information regarding the crimes those clients have allegedly committed as well as defenses that support the facts of their clients' cases. To learn more about their Iowa City-based criminal defense practice, please visit attorney Keegan's website on criminal defense.