
Fighting Vehicular Homicide Charges in Iowa

Fighting Vehicular Homicide Charges in Iowa


In Iowa, if you cause a fatal accident while driving drunk you can be charged with homicide by vehicle. If convicted, you will face a mandatory prison sentence in addition to huge fines and revocation of your driver's license. Anyone facing vehicular homicide charges needs to fight aggressively to preserve their future and their freedom.

At the law firm of J. Dean Keegan, Eric D. Tindal & Andrea Jaeger Attorneys At Law, we defend these cases as aggressively as the prosecution pursues them. We undertake a thorough investigation of the accident scene, interview witnesses and scrutinize the physical evidence. We look for any potential weaknesses or inconsistencies in the prosecution's version of how the accident happened. If we can show the accident was the fault of the other driver, we will seek dismissal of the charges.

We investigate the evidence of intoxication just as thoroughly. Any flaws in the field sobriety tests, breath tests or blood tests can provide ammunition to attack the prosecution's case. We take nothing for granted and look for every possible way to fight the charges.

We carefully review the arrest record and the evidence for any sign that your constitutional rights were violated or that evidence was mishandled or contaminated. Based on this review we may be able to get some or all of the evidence thrown out before trial.

At our law firm we never forget how much our client has at stake. You can learn more about how we can help those facing these serious charges on our vehicular homicide webpage.