
Drinking and Driving Is Common on New Year's Eve

Drinking and Driving Is Common on New Year's Eve


On New Year's Eve many Americans celebrate with friends and family at home parties, concerts, nightclubs and bars. And, inevitably, as the drinks flow, dangers on the streets rise as people get behind the wheel while impaired.

New Year's Eve tends to be especially troublesome, as many people are more inclined to drink in excess, especially if they have the next day off from work. Add to it the increased likeliness of winter weather in January, and things can be increasingly dangerous not only for drunk drivers, but for everyone on the roads.

Alcohol and drugs not only affect a person's reaction time and mobility skills, but may severely affect a driver's judgment. This is one major reason that, despite the risks and dangers associated with operating a vehicle while intoxicated, many people do.

Getting caught driving under the influence can lead to serious life-affecting consequences. In addition to losing your driver's license, you may need an Alco-Sensor or ignition interlock system installed on your vehicle. Drivers can also face financial penalties, increases in your insurance premiums and even the possibility of time in prison. And, if you find yourself in an accident while driving under the influence, things may be compounded even more with possible felony drunk driving charges or even vehicular homicide or intoxication manslaughter charges if you injure or kill other victims on the road. Driving under the influence is never worth the risks. Prepare now and find alternative plans to driving if you plan on celebrating New Year's Eve away from home; drunk driving should never be an option.

Source:, "DUI Offense Basics," Accessed Dec. 27, 2016