
There Are Defenses to Charges of Domestic Violence

There Are Defenses to Charges of Domestic Violence


When a person is charged with domestic violence in Iowa, the long-term consequences can be serious. A conviction can result in severe criminal penalties and a criminal record, which will make it much harder to get a job and even an apartment in the future.

Even if the accusations are false, they can cause serious damage to one's reputation. In addition, after the arrest the alleged perpetrator is often made the subject of a restraining order, which bars them from their home and family.

Domestic violence arrests generally take place in an atmosphere of anger and conflict. Law enforcement personnel will sometimes make an arrest quickly in order to separate the alleged attacker and the alleged victim. But in the haste to separate a couple, the police do not always draw the right conclusions.

Fortunately, there are many ways to defend against domestic violence charges. In some cases, the accusations are completely false. The alleged victim may fabricate the accusation for reasons of jealousy or revenge. Sometimes false allegations are made in the midst of a bitter divorce or child custody dispute.

In other cases, the alleged victim actually attacked the defendant. In these cases, the defendant can argue he or she acted in legitimate self-defense.

At the criminal defense law firm of J. Dean Keegan, Eric D. Tindal & Andrea Jaeger Attorneys At Law, we understand the confusion and frustration felt by those who are falsely accused of domestic assault. We know how to review the arrest record and the witness statements for inconsistencies that can make an accuser's allegations fall apart at trial. We are committed to making sure the accused has the chance to tell his or her side of the story in court.