
Understanding the Severity of Violent Crimes

Understanding the Severity of Violent Crimes


There are some crimes that are considered to be extremely serious offenses in our society. Thus, when individuals in Iowa and elsewhere are accused of such a crime, they could face personal and professional consequences along with criminal penalties. When defendants are charged with a violent crime, it is important to understand the elements of the charge, the evidence used against the accused and what defense options are available.

According to the Uniform Crime Report by the FBI, violent crimes include offenses such as murder, rape, sexual assault, robbery and assault. Depending on the details of the crime, the accused could face a more serious charge. For example, a person could face an assault charge for an unlawful physical attack or the threat of such an attack. However, a person could be charged with aggravated assault if that attack or attempted attack was with a weapon. This charge could result in more severe consequences.

Another form of violent crime a person could face is a hate crime. This occurs when a criminal incident was motivated by prejudice based on race, gender, gender identity, disability, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Another serious violent crime is rape. This is when there is forced sexual intercourse, which could include either psychological coercion or physical force.

When individuals are charged with these or any other type of violent crime, it is essential to understand the severity of these accusations. A defendant's life can drastically change as soon as he or she is charged; thus, it is crucial that certain steps are taken so a strong and aggressive defense can take place.

Source:, "Violent Crime," accessed July 2, 2017