
Helping You Achieve Your Criminal Defense Goals

Helping You Achieve Your Criminal Defense Goals


As a previous post highlighted, not all crimes are created equally. While some individuals might face criminal charges following a traffic stop or a search of their home, others could face criminal charges based on their presumed conduct in the workplace. White-collar crimes can carry serious penalties and have the tendency of destroying the accused's personal and professional reputation. Thus, it is important to take a timely and aggressive approach to protect your rights and defend against these charges.

Being accused of embezzlement, fraud or any other type of white-collar crime can be a shocking and life-altering situation. It might seem as though no one is on your side and you have little options to bolster your innocence. But J. Dean Keegan, Eric D. Tindal & Andrea Jaeger Attorneys At Law are here to make a difference in your criminal case. Our law firm is experienced at providing an effective and aggressive criminal defense, and we are dedicated to serving individuals in Iowa City accused of white-collar crimes.

We take two basic approaches when devising a defense strategy for our clients. We look at the details of the case, research pertinent laws, understand the background of our client and determine the best options for meeting their goals. We also look at our client's case from the perspective of a prosecutor. We are able to anticipate the moves and actions by the prosecution; thus, we strategize to poke holes in their case, eventually causing it to fall apart.

No matter what strategy you take against a criminal charge, it is important to take steps to protect your rights and future. To learn more, check out our law firm's criminal defense website. While it is never easy to accept that you are facing serious criminal charges, it is important to accept that you have real options that could help you reduce or even dismiss the charges against you.